Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Bulletproof Day 15: BP Hot Cocoa & More on Carb Re-feeding

I started today with Bulletproof Hot Cocoa and I loved it. I did this:
- 1 tbsp Brain Octane
- 2 heaping tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Trader Joe's)
- 1 tbsp xylitol
- 2 heaping tbsp Kerrygold

Absolutely delicious (sorry, BP coffee!) but I still feel like BP coffee is better for the brain than cocoa . I definitely have the energy, but not the mental clarity I am getting on BP coffee. Still a good option though to diversify during days when BP coffee gets old and boring. Since I am not a coffee drinker, I feel like I just can't do it every day.

On the good news front. I got a lot of good advice from the BP Forum on carb re-feeds. My main takeaways:
1. It's a good idea to track your food, at least for some time, to make sure your % allocations are correct. I tracked my food yesterday and learned that a) I am getting over 70% of calories from good fats (need to lower this to 55-60%); b) only 17% of my calories are protein (need to up that to closer to 30%); c) my carbs are fine but a little low at 13% (need to get it closer to 15%). I thought it was different, so there's definitely value in tracking, at least in the beginning.
2. Less than 50 gr carbs per day is undesirable as you'll start losing water and glycogen (this explains my constant thirst!)
3, 80-100 gr a day seems to be a good goal for me; and 150 gr on strong workout days. That makes sense.
4. And it also seems like re-feeds are not as necessary as I thought sometimes. Basic logic:
very low carb + workouts= big refeedvery low carb + no workouts= normal refeedmoderate carb + workouts = no refeedmoderate carb + no workouts= no refeedmore than 1lb loss/week carbs too low or refeeds not big enough. 

I've also done more research on my thirst and it seems like I should try balancing it out by starting out my day with some water + pink salt for electrolytes. Also seems like cutting out fruit (which I normally eat a lot of) contributes to needing more water.

The day ended with a night out & allowed myself two glasses of Pinot. Thought a lot about how it's almost impossible to remain BP or even paleo when going out. I ate some sushi (to be fair, they did have tamari) and ordered a steak salad with guacamole (had to ask them to skip the cheese & the dressing). I'll need to research paleo restaurants in Seattle: there have got to be some!

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