Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 1. Bulletproof: How I got to this point.

Let me start by saying this: I think I have a drinking problem. No, for real. I do not get shitface drunk and I hold my liquor very well but somehow over the last 6 months I got to a place where I drink every day. I've definitely drank a full bottle of wine (and sometimes more) on my own. I've done multiple shots of hard liquor, to be followed by more shots. I've had a couple of evenings where I can't remember going to sleep. I've gained 10 pounds along the way (or should I say, I drank in 10 pounds?). Anyways, thinking about all this has made me realize I need to stop. But it's easier sad than done.

And then, I happened across this post about how to drink without paying for it in the morning. Curious concept, but what got me really interested was the whole idea of bio hacking. It makes perfect sense but somehow I'd never thought of it. At all.

So here I am: giving this a shot.

I am a strong willed person but it's not my natural state (if that even exists...): rather, it's a result of rigorous self-discipline. I am trying to mold myself into this person I really want to be. I am a runner by choice (it took me a year to get to this point and I will never let it go now that I have it). I am a mom to two kids (9 and 3.5 yo). I am a business person who travels 100K+ miles every year. And now I want to add Bulletproof to this list.

While I've ordered Bulletproof coffee and Brain Octane oil, they have not arrived yet, so I had to be a little creative to try out Dave's intermittent fasting.

I prepped myself last night by having a Bulletproof dinner: a large salad with avocado oil + baked sweet potato with butter. Delicious! And I did not drink. (very proud of myself!).

Oh, and I forgot to mention I am not a coffee drinker. Never was. But I am willing to try this out: can't imagine that drinking coffee is worse than a bottle of wine every night.

So, this morning, I brewed myself a cup of coffee, added 1.5 tablespoons of Ghee (I've been cooking with ghee for years!), a little xylitol (as I really don't appreciate the bitterness in coffee), and a small handful of cocoa nibs. I am happy to report that it's 10AM (and I had my coffee at 7:30AM) and I am doing fine so far. A couple of things to note:
1. I am really thirsty so I've been chugging down water.
2. I love tea (there's a big cup of mint melange brewing on my desk)

I am feeling a little cold (which usually happens when I am low on sugar) and I am feeling a little weird. Trying to figure out if this is good or bad weird. Not sure yet.

The plan is to go through 2PM with just tea and water, then have a Bulletproof lunch. Thankfully, I work for Google and there's a ton of Bulletproof-friendly options at the office and in our cafeterias.

May the force be with me!

12:30 PM.

I went for a brisk 2-mile walk before lunch and stopped by PCC to do some supplement shopping. Picked up a lot of stuff from this list. I'll start taking these tomorrow. Also picked up MTC oil to use with my coffee until Brain Octane arrives.

Now, I have meetings starting at 1:30 and going through 5PM, so I've decided I'll eat now. I am feeling a bit hungry, but feel like once I start adding MTC oil, running on coffee 'til 2PM will be doable. Going down to the main cafeteria, was very happy to see a huge selection of foods to choose from. Maybe it's not perfect, but close enough.

Look what I got!
[cabbage salad with olive oil, butternut squash in oil, steamed cauliflower, fresh broccoli, braised kale, gree arugula and baby kale salad leaves, sprinkled with olive oil, and all this topped with steak. YUM!]

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some eating to do.

1PM. I did not finish my food (granted, it was a big plate!) but I added three figs as dessert. I feel very full but a little shaky: probably a combination of coffee and lack of sugar. 

9PM. I did well today. Lunch kept me going well until about 4:30 when I realized I am really hungry. Being stuck in a business meeting and then traffic on my way home helped me last until almost 7 before I got to eat dinner. And then between kids' homework and demands, I wolfed down a huge salad, half a sweet potato, and a piece of grass fed steak. All topped with avocado and MTC oil. I washed it down with a ton of tea (like 4 cups) but I have a feeling I'll have more tea before I am in bed because I remain thirsty.

Going to LA for work bright and early tomorrow morning. We'll see how day #2 goes and whether adding MTC oil to my coffee will make it last longer. 

Last but not least, I do think this stuff works to boost brain activity. I've been amazingly productive and focused today. 

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